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Sexuality Wiki
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Androgynesexual describes a person who has sexual attraction exclusively towards androgynous individuals or androgynes. Androgynesexual may also be described as someone who is attracted to both men and women, particularly those with an androgynous appearance.[1] Under this definition it is a combination of androsexual and gynesexual, with elements of linsexual.


It's unknown who coined it, the oldest source is from 2009 on Urban Dictionary.[2]


The flag was created by an anonymous user on the tumblr page pride-color-schemes account on June 23rd, 2017. It has no confirmed meaning.


An Androgynesexual flag

Androgynesexual flag with symbol

Androgynesexual flag with symbol

Androgynophilia Flag

Alternate androgynesexual flag by ThunderBrine

