The caedromantic flag.
Caedromantic (or caedoromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum, defined as someone who feels that they were alloromantic at one point, but that has been taken or “cut away” from them due to past trauma.
Caedromantic is a microlabel. Meaning that by saying that one is caedromantic, it is implied that one is also aromantic. In this case, aromantic is the primary romantic identity and caedromantic acts as a modifier, making a specific sub-category of aromanticism. It is also considered a subset of arovague.
Caedromantic should only be used by trauma survivors and those with PTSD.
Erasromantic is the non-exclusive form of caedromantic. The sexual counterpart of caedromantic is caedsexual.
The term was coined on or before January 29, 2015, by an unknown user. It was first found on a glossary of orientations.[1]