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Sexuality Wiki

Maskaro is a romantic orientation in which one knows that they are on the aromantic spectrum, but doesn't wish to label themselves further.

One may also use this label if they feel some sort of romantic attraction, but wouldn't act on it; if they are questioning whether or not they are aro-spec; if they are in some way aro-spec, but are uncomfortable most telling others; or any other reason in relation to the aromantic spectrum.

Common Definitions[]

A Romantic Identity whenever you are on the aromantic spectrum but you don't want too many labels..

–Scratch user _AKWARD_5_POTATO_[1]

Maskaromantic is a term that describes someone who is on the arospectrum, but doesn't want too many labels or other reasons. This can mean that while the person may not feel romantic attraction, but they might not act on it. The orientation acknowledges that you might be maskaromantic if you either feel like, know, or think you are on the arospectrum but you don't tell a lot of people due to discomfort, fear, rejection or avoidment.

–Fandom user Cloudiinez-11[2][3]



See Also[]
