Sexuality Wiki

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Sexuality Wiki
Sexuality Wiki

Orchidrose (also known as orchidaroace) is a romantic and sexual orientation on the aromantic and asexual spectra in which one is both orchidromantic and orchidsexual. That is, one experiences romantic and sexual attraction, but does not desire a romantic or sexual relationship.[3][2]

Common Definitions[]

A term under the orchid spectrum in which someone is both orchidsexual and orchidromantic. For those who feel romantic and sexual attraction, but do not desire a romantic or sexual relationship.

–recoinbrewery, 2021[3]


Four orchidrose flags were created sometime in 2021 by Reddit user beesflags,[1] and Fandom user YanoSkylar suggested meanings for the colors of the first two flags on May 29, 2024:[4]

  • Pale salmon represents attraction.
  • Gray represents the aromantic and asexual spectra.
  • Black represents lack of desire and "unwanting."
  • Blue represents community.

Tumblr user recoinbrewery created four additional flags on November 7, 2021, along with recoining the term.[3]


See Also[]
