Polyamory Pride Flag
Polyamory is the attraction to multiple individuals with the consent of everyone involved. This attraction could be anything; romantic, emotional, queerplatonic and/or sexual. This can be through a relationship including three or more people, or having a string of other relationships that the people involved are knowledgeable to the fact they are one of many and consent to such.
It's a common misconception that polyamory and polygamy is the same thing. A polygamous relationship refers to someone who is married to multiple people. For example, Person A is married to Person B and C. Person B and C might be married to each other or other people. All polygamous relationships are also polyamorous.
A polyamorous relationship is simply a non-platonic relationship between three or more people. For example, Person A is married to Person B, Person B is engaged to Person C and Person A is in a queerplatonic relationship with Person C. Not all polyamorous relationships are polygamous.
It's important to note that polyamorous people have a different attitude to relationships. Some are polyamorous, but prefer being with one person, others don't mind either way and there are also people who are not comfortable in an exclusive relationship. As long as all parties involved are informed and consenting, there is nothing wrong with this relationship structure.
Healthy Polyamory - Harry, Ginny and Hermione all love and respect each other equally. This is a healthy relationship, because all people involved are consenting and love each other.
Healthy Polyamory #2 - Harry loves both Ginny and Hermione equally. Ginny loves Harry but not Hermione. Ginny consents to Harry seeing Hermione while seeing her. This is a healthy relationship, because despite the fact that Ginny isn't attracted to Hermione, she knows and accepts the fact that Harry is seeing her as well.
Unhealthy Polyamory - Ginny is seeing Harry, but isn't too keen on him dating Hermione as well. Hermione feels the same way; she would prefer an exclusive relationship with Harry. Neither Hermione nor Ginny share their discomfort with the relationship structure. This is an unhealthy relationship, because communication is key and neither of the girls are discussing their feelings.
Unhealthy Polyamory #2 - Ginny is okay with Harry kissing her. Harry attempts to kiss Hermione without asking beforehand. This is an unhealthy relationship; Person A being comfortable with something doesn't automatically mean that Person B is fine with it too.
Not Polyamory - Harry has five different girlfriends who don't know about each other and believe they are the only one. This is not polyamory, this is cheating.
Not Polyamory #2 - Ginny and Harry have been together for a while and discussed opening the relationship. Ginny refused, but Harry decided to see Hermione regardless and tell her that Ginny is alright with their relationship. This is not polyamory, this is cheating.
(This has been written through the opinions of people who are indeed polyamorous.)
In 1995, Jim Evans created the original Polyamorous flag, nicknamed the 'Pi' flag. This flag is composed of three equal horizontal stripes in blue, black, and red, with the Greek symbol pi in yellow in the center. It symbolizes openness, honesty, love, solidarity, and the value of emotional attachments. While well beloved within the community, the bold colors have been found to be garish and unwelcoming by some.[1]
"Regarding the gold “pi” letter, Evans explained in his blog that it could’ve been an infinity heart instead. However, he avoided using the heart symbol because the feather pride flag had already featured it.
“I was trying to avoid confusion, given that community was there first,” said Evans.
What’s more – the “infinity heart” is not very common as a symbol of polyamory. Evans was not also very capable of incorporating such visual art into the design. So he chose the “pi” letter, which was available on computer typographic platforms back then." (https://blog.flagwix.com/polyamorous-flag/)
Several alternate designs were created in the 2010s-20s, including user Polyamfam's design,[2] several by Tumblr users including @ratlab-art[3] and @redtail-lol,[4] Emma Essex's design,[1] and Molly Colleen Bennett Wilvich's design,[1] among others.
In 2022, the Polyamorous community voted on a new flag;[1][5][6] Red Howell's flag design won. This flag[5][7] also includes three equal horizontal stripes, along with a right-pointing asymmetrical white chevron. The point of the chevron sits at the junction between the first and second stripes, one third of the way down the flag. A gold heart rotated 90 degrees left nests with the chevron, and the stripes are colored muted blue, magenta, and dark purple. This flag represents desire, love, attraction, openness, honesty, unity, solidarity, and energy and perseverance. This flag has also been controversial within the community, however, due to the choice of the heart symbol over the favored pi and infinity heart symbols, and its asymmetry.[8]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 https://www.polyamproud.com/post/the-history-of-polyamory-flags
- ↑ https://polyamfam.com/polyamoryflag
- ↑ https://www.tumblr.com/ratlab-art/149461403379/i-redesigned-the-polyamory-flag-bc-the-old-one
- ↑ https://archive.md/TKtXx
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 https://www.polyamproud.com/flag
- ↑ https://polyinthemedia.blogspot.com/2022/11/voting-for-new-polyamory-flag-passes.html
- ↑ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tricolor_Polyamory_Pride_Flag.svg
- ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/QueerVexillology/comments/z3bolv/opinions_on_the_newly_voted_polyamorous_flag/