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Sexuality Wiki

Pomoromantic is a romantic orientation in which one actively rejects of traditional romantic orientation labels.

One may use the pomoromanticlabel for any reason(s), including but not limited to:

  1. A belief that no single label or definition can adequately capture the true complexity of an individual's identity.
  2. One finds the typical way of describing romantic orientation ("I am attracted to x", "I like to romantically kiss x", or "I am repulsed by x") is not applicable to their sense of identity.
  3. One does not with to describe their romantic orientation.
  4. One would prefer to define their romantic orientation as "not straight".

A pomoromantic person may or may not feel romantic attraction, but is not interested in specifying whether they feel it, and to whom. They do not want or need a specific label.


The prefix pomo- is a portmanteau of the word postmodernism.[7] This translates "pomoromantic" to "post-modern romantic"; the orientation is rooted in the post-modernist movement's rejection of the idea of universal narratives and strict boundaries.



See Also[]
