Sexuality Wiki

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Sexuality Wiki
Sexuality Wiki

Not to be confused with Trixic.

Tritic refers to an individual who is attracted (sexually, romantically, or platonically) to people who have feminine expression and are woman or (feminine aligned) non-binary

For example: you could like a non-binary person whose gender is feminine and gender expression is feminine. You could also like a feminine woman. You could not like a non-binary person with a neutral gender or a masculine woman.

Anyone can use the term Tritic.

Tritic is a subset of Neptunic and Fin-

Tritic was made for people who want a more specific term than Neptunic


Tritic comes from Neptune's moon Triton combined with the suffix "ic"

Pronounced Tri-tic

Flag Colors[]

The flag colors were based off the Neptunic Flag and the dull colors of Neptune's largest moon, Triton. It does not have any real meaning.

See Also[]
