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A vultusromantic is someone whom is attracted to someone just because of their appearance. It is somewhat the opposite of panromantic. A vultusromantic may also have a gender preference, so a person could be homoromantic and vultusromantic, for example.

Vultusromantic is derived from the Latin word ‘vultus’, meaning ‘look’ or 'face'.

Vultusromantic pride flag

The vultusromantic pride flag.

The vultusromantic pride flag is pale, desaturated pink and cyan with a black strip in the middle. It also has a white oval at it’s centre. The flag adopts the same colour scheme as vultussexual.

The light pink and blue are comforting colours, representing beauty. The black represents elegance and also non-binary preferences. The white oval somewhat symbolises an eye, hence the attraction of appearance. The heart-like ‘v’s around the flag represent romance.
